"Lorin's Journey - part 2. A Rider Approaches"

A Lone figure stands atop a Battlement. The wind blows his cloak around as he looks at the rising sun. The lone figure scans the horizan, looking intently for some that is not there.

"Where is that Proud Fool. Two weeks over due and Dragons says to wait that he will return. I cannot wait much longer I must know how he fares," The tall figure says as he again scans the land surrounding the Castle. With frustration written on his face, the wizard turns to leave the battlement when a Flash of light catches his eye. Turning towards the place the flash was, the wizard see's movement. Again a small flash a of light, the wizard makes a gesture and arcanic power flows through his arms to his hands. Lifting his arms, he utters a word know one would understand or remember. Where he stands, there is a blinding flash of light and then nothing. The Wizard is gone.

Materializing in front of the Gates, Twisterkahn startles the Guards when he appears. Again Power flows down his arms to his hands and he utters another word. His eyes Gleam with a sudden brightness. The landscape zooms into view as twisterkahn looks to the place where he saw movement. A smile forms on his face as he see's the Figure on the large white warhorse. The smile fades as he see's that the figure is slumped over the saddle, barely staying in the saddle. Spinning to the guards, Twisterkahn says, "Get help now, He is hurt and needs us." The guards looked at the distance and squint their eyes. "I see nothing M'Lord," One guard says. Twisterkahn's face turns red with rage as he says, "Hurry now or face my wrath, one of the Syndicate approaches and is hurt" All coloring leaving his face the Guard runs into the castle shout for help. Running through the gate, Gian stumbles to a halt, "What is it twist, who is in trouble?". Twisterkahn points in the direction of the approaching rider. Gian turns his head and peers in the distance. "God NO!!!", Gian says as he breaks into a run towards the figure. Gian hits a full run and utters a single word. Where there was once a Wood Elf, there now strides a larg Wolf, Gian speeds towards the Horse and rider.

Again Twisterkahn summons his power and utters a word. With a flash of light, Twisterkahn steps from the small gate to the Horse and rider. "Lorin, can you hear me, are you ok?". Lorin's White and Gold armor covered in blood, his soulfire blade in his hand barely flickers. His horse, lathered and clearly tired, stumbles to a halt. Lifting his head slowly, Lorin looks at Twisterkahn and says, "Twist", in a weak voice as falls from his saddle. Twisterkahn grabed Lorin as he fell, both crashing to the ground. The breath is knocked from twisterkahn as he hits the ground, Lorin landing ontop of him as they hit.

Gian reaches down to lift Lorin off of twisterkahn, face turning pale at the large sword wound in Lorin's back. Reaaching into his tunic, Gian pulls out his Syndicate symbol. Concentrating, he sends out a call for help. Easing Lorin to the ground and helping Twisterkahn to his feet, Gian looks to the castle to see many people running towards them.

Tarbash reaches Gain first and looks down at Lorin. "Do something Tarb, he is fading fast," Gian says. Tears in his eyes, Tarbash kneels and places his hands accross the wound in Lorins back. Closing his eyes, Tarbash shouts to the sky, "Lord grant me thy touch this day." Gian gazes in awe as Tarbash's hands glow white, Tarbash shakes as the glow flows into Lorins back. Tarbash slumps back as the glow fades, the wound still open but smaller now. A flash of light behind Gian causes him to turn and watch as Dragons and Demandred step from a portal. Dragons quickly evaluates Lorin. Turning to Demandred, Dragon says, "Hurry and get Amberil, she is in the Infirmary". Demandred raises his hands and dark light forms infrom of him, stepping into the dark light he disappears. There is a crackle of energy as Amberil steps from the magic portal, Demandred behind her.

"Hurry Lady Amberil, tarbash has done what he can but it is not enough," Dragons said. Amberil kneels at lorin's side. After inspeacting the wound, Amberil begins an incantation. The force of Amberil's magic can be felt as the air becomes charged with energy. Placing her hands on the wound as Tarbash did, Amberil calls forth her power to heal. Lorin stiffens as the power flows into his body. Many minutes pass as Amberil continues to call on more and more power. After what seems like hours, Amberil sits back, weary and pale. Twisterkahn and Gian look at lorin's back. The wound is closed, and there is color back in Lorin's face. Dragons looks around at all those that have come. Seeing Thral, Ynis and Rendgar standing close, Dragons barks out orders. "Thral see to Tarbash and Amberil, Rendgar, you and Gian help Demandred get lorin back to the Castle. Twist, get back to the castle and find Ranco. Amberil is out of it and Lorin may still need healing. Bending down Gian and Rendgar pick Lorin up and carry him to the portal that Demandred had made and stepped through. Twisterkahn raises his hands again and with a flash he is gone. Ynis leans down and folds Amberil in to her arms, with ease she stands and starts off at a run back to the castle. Thral helps Tarbash to his feet and helps him walk to the castle. Taking the reins of Lorins horse, Dragon starts back for the castle.

Four weeks have past since Lorins return. That night in the Large audiance hall, all have gathered for the night meal. Talking of rumors that abound in the land. The main door opens and everyone turns to see who the late comer would be. Lorin steps into the door way, clad in his White and Gold armor, his helm under his arm and his sword strapped to his side. silence fills the hall, many did not know how Lorin was doing and many feared he was not well. Lorin walks into the hall and heads to his place at the table. Setting his helm on the table, Lorin looks around at those seated.

"I thank thee all, again I am in thy debt. For with out thy aid I would not be here this day. I love thee all," Lorin said as tears fall from his eyes. Taking his seat, Lorin wipes his eyes. The hall errupts with hails and cheers, for on this day, Lorin has returned to his family. healed and ready for what will come.

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